- #Shadow warrior demon bunny update
- #Shadow warrior demon bunny Patch
- #Shadow warrior demon bunny upgrade
- #Shadow warrior demon bunny Pc
- #Shadow warrior demon bunny free
Shadow Warrior 2 is part Borderlands and part Doom, with a liberal sprinkling of Duke Nukem thrown in for good measure. It's not long after your first fire up Shadow Warrior 2 that you're up to your eyeballs in demon guts, explosive crabs and wang jokes. If you're looking for a brilliant, mildly offensive time-waster, this is probably it. Fixed crash when mfplat.With swords, demons, explosions and some really bad jokes, this latest stab at recreating a fast-paced 90's shooter makes all the right moves.r_weapon_fov) can now be loaded from autoexec.cfg Added -nochroma switch (add -nochroma to properties->general->set launch options in order to disable Razer Chroma).AlienFX is now by default disabled due to crashes on some configs (add -alienfx to properties->general->set launch options in order to enable it).Fixed bug when game freezes on loading on 2-core CPUs.Fixed issue when client was not able to open Inventory or change weapons when using teleport during (or directly before) cutscene.Fixed bug when using “Emperor’s Touch” weapon produced excessive lags.Co-op network bandwidth usage optimizations.Fixed bug when “Bunny Lord” didn’t drop loot for clients.Performance issue for co-op partners fixed.Fixed enemy “Tumor” mesh in Wanglopedia.

Hint area on loading screen now resizes correctly.Fixed bug when player couldn’t replace gem when all slots were occupied.Fixed crash when replacing gems in weapons.Fixed entering T-pose for enemies with uzi.Fixed “Belly” enemy animation when reacting to Grip of Darkness.Enemies with “Swift” aura now return to correct speed after unfreezing.Fixed bug when player frezees or looses weapon when damaged or killed during teleporting.Fixed “Second Chance” skill bug when player couldn’t die even if none enemy was killed.“Damage resist” player stat now works properly.Fixed “Destroyer of Realms” weapon turret throw animation.Fixed weapon being removed from inventory when spawned as turret on map change.Fixed bug when dual melee secondary weapon didn’t inherit primary weapon stats (elemental, damage etc).Gauss rifle shot tuned down and smoothed, added alternative reload animation.Fixed bug when player could pickup “King Skelletor” weapon before designed mission.Elite and Superior enemy “Hellhound” won’t fetch grenades now.
#Shadow warrior demon bunny free
#Shadow warrior demon bunny upgrade
#Shadow warrior demon bunny Patch
Shadow Warrior 2 – Patch Changelog: This patch will be auto-downloaded from Steam, and you can read its complete changelog below.
#Shadow warrior demon bunny update
It’s worth noting that this latest update also comes with some balance and gameplay changes, as well as general gameplay and UI fixes. In addition, this patch fixes the performance issues for co-op partners that have been reported, brings a number of co-op network bandwidth usage optimizations, and comes with various Photomode fixes.
#Shadow warrior demon bunny Pc
According to the release notes, this patch fixes the annoying shadow and geometry flickering issues, optimizes shadow rendering performance and defaults to dedicated GPU (when PC gamers are using both dedicated and integrated GPUs). Flying Wild Hog has released the third update for the PC version of Shadow Warrior 2.